You Are Valuable

“But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.”
Luke 12:7

Jesus said that the hairs on my head are numbered. If the Lord said it, then I believe it.

I used to have a thick head of hair.
My, how the hairs have jumped ship as I’ve aged…but that doesn’t change the fact that God is aware of every single hair and every change that our bodies go through as we age.

Jesus wants us to know that we’re valuable AT ANY AGE.

We look at babies with their innocent eyes and sinless hands and it’s no wonder we call them precious…whether they have hair or not.

And fast forward 80 years when that precious baby is now an elderly person, and God’s love hasn’t changed…their soul is still precious to God.

Your entire life has been observed by God. You’ve probably seen highs and lows, feasts and famines, joys and sorrows, love and loss…and God has counted you valuable even when you’ve seen your lowest points in life.

As a matter of fact, even when you’ve been tangled in the brambles of sin, He still loves you the same.

Fear not, Christian.
The sparrows have all that they need, and you have all that you need in Him.
He counts you more valuable than the sweetest little sparrow.

8 thoughts on “You Are Valuable”

  1. How great it is to have the Creator of the universe caring for every little detail in my life; hallelujah! I am not particularly worried that He has less hair to count on my head, I am just grateful for His presence. Thank you for sharing this encouraging message today Eric. God bless you today brother 🙏

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    1. That’s right brother…we come into this world weak, bald, and dependent on others and we leave the same way if the Lord gives us old age.😆

      Thanks for being an encouragement, brother! And I second your “Hallelujah!”👍🏻

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sparrows are such a blessing! These little fluff balls gather in bushes and trees and join together in song. What a beautiful serenade. Praise be to God for His love of sparrows and for all His earthbound children! 🙂


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