When Men Love Darkness

“And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”
John 3:19

A condemned house is dangerous.
A condemned house is dark.
A condemned house is deadly.
A condemned house is stark.
A condemned house will fall.

It’s one thing to live in a dark house that’s condemned for destruction…
But it’s another thing to LOVE living in that dark place.

People get comfortable in their sin and don’t want the light of truth to shine on them:

Smokers don’t want to hear that they’re killing themselves with each puff. They are.

Alcoholics don’t want to hear that they’re killing themselves with each drink.
They are.

The profane don’t want to be told that they have filthy mouths.
They do.

The liar doesn’t want to accept the truth. They’re liars.

The proud person doesn’t want to be humbled. They WILL bow to God eventually.

Sinners don’t want to be told that they’re doomed for destruction and can only be saved by Jesus Christ.
He is the only way out. (John 14:6)

Once the devil hooks us with sin,
and our flesh gets a taste for it,
it becomes a battle to get those hooks out of our lives.

The world is hooked by sin and has been led into darkness.
Jesus Christ was the flaming torch that confronted the darkness of mankind…
and He was rejected.

They hated when He preached and taught because He was challenging the sin that they had grown to love.
They loved their darkness rather than His light because their deeds were evil.
The same can be true for us,
whether we’re saved or not.

Your flesh is nothing to play around with, friends.
Don’t feed it with sin.
Don’t be led into darkness.

Love and live in the light of Christ.

5 thoughts on “When Men Love Darkness”

  1. A very sombre but necessary post Eric.

    May we always seek the only Light that will save us for eternity – Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.

    May some trapped in the devil’s darkness see this and feel the urgent need of the Light.

    Liked by 1 person

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