Part Five: The Good Shepherd Knows His Sheep

“I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.”
John 10:14

Jesus knows His flock well.
He knows the wild ones.
He knows the quiet ones.
He knows the loud ones.
He knows the nervous ones.

He knows which sheep like to play it safe, and which ones like to play near the brambles on the cliffs edge.

He knows precisely what each sheep is thinking, feeling, needing, and wanting.

He knows the strengths and weaknesses of every single sheep.

He knows when each sheep was born, and he knows the day each one will draw its final breath.

Jesus knows US that well.
When we stand before His judgment seat He won’t need to “review our case and learn our history.”
He has us mapped in vivid detail.

How well do WE know HIM?
We who are saved should know what our Shepherd said, what He loves, what He hates, and what thrills His heart.

He knows our voice.
We should know His voice.
And we should obey it heartily.

Have a great weekend, friends!

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